How can you generate multiple metahumans (10,000+)?

I have seen that it is possible to generate up to 100,000 characters using the metahuman generator. I am interested in knowing how one can generate 10,000+ unique characters using the metahuman generator.

Why do you need 10,000+ characters?

Why are you asking him why he needs that? :wink:


That would be a lot of data, thereā€™s no real use for that. If they were thinking they could use it to have character customization in a game then it should be done a different way.

Why are you asking @darthviper107 why they are asking @BoneFortuna something? :laughing:


Exactly. I think you got my point.

I hate it when people answer ā€œHow do I ā€¦ā€-questions with ā€œWhy would you want to do that?ā€
Either give a good reason why that is not possible (or feasible), or spare yourself the time to answer a question with another question that wonā€™t help the slightest bit.


To be fair, about half the time someone asks something like that, itā€™s because they want to do something that has a much better method, if only we knew what they were trying to doā€¦ :upside_down_face:

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Well, maybe he wantā€™s to do exactly what they did in the link he provided: Sell 10.000+ (totally useless) NFTā€™s and become ridicously rich. Who knows?

And THAT could be an answer that might be even helpful!

Maybe likeā€¦

ā€œIf youā€™re trying to have 10.000+ characters in your game, it will break the engine. However, if itā€™s just about showing big crowds of people, you might be better off using the XYZ technologyā€¦blablablaā€

THAT might help the person.

Well if he said itā€™s for NFTā€™s then Iā€™d ignore him


Being quite old school, I already had a problem with a pile of bricks being ā€˜artā€™, let alone NFTsā€¦ :slight_smile:

There is always some randomization possible. If you make 100 different heads and make all the bodies possible, you can randomize these mixes when you spawn and AI for example.

There are also these morph targets and Iā€™m sure these can also be randomized when spawning.

In theory, you should be able to make billions of Meta Humans.

ā€¦and so would I

For anyone seeing this in 2023 or later.

Using the City Sample Crowds asset pack in the marketplace you can rather easily do what OP want (given you have a computer to handle it).

The asset is a BP with various controls to change features know from the meta human creator app changing features on the meta human (a smaller subset of options it seem though).
One very nice feature is a ā€œrandom optionā€-button that simply randomizes every setting making it super easy to create a new random meta human.

So inserting the base BP, duplicating it as many times as you need random characters, multi-select the duplicates and pressing the random option will achieve what the OP wanted.

Here is a shot from a scene with a thousand random metaā€™s:

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You donā€™t have to go far:

10 heads, 10 chests, 10 arms, 10 hips, 10 legs
X 2 to use female.

Thats 10^5 possible combinations X 2ā€¦

If you add stuff like groom and beard to the mix you can easily end up with a 10^10 possible combo.

If you do things properly, you then runtime merge the modular characters, and you end up with a way better end result that metahuman would ever allow for with its trash performanceā€¦

Can you tell the same 10 faces are being repeated over and over? Well yes.
But you donā€™t usually see people ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  about it in stuff like GTA5, Cyberpunk and the like.