How can you convert a Twinmotion file to an older one?


Since Path Tracer is not working anymore on my 2023 version, i would like to use it in the 2022 one. Is there any way to convert the 2023 file to an older version?


Thank you for reaching out in the community, unfortunately this would not be possible as Twinmotion files are not backwards-compatible. A project file can only be opened in the version it was created in, or converted to a newer version.

If you are experiencing an issue with the Path Tracer using a computer that should support this feature, please use the Contact Us button on the Twinmotion Community home page here to submit a bug report. Please also see our Release Notes here for more information on Path Tracer requirements and known issues for Twinmotion 2023.1.

Best Regards,


You can export it as an unreal datasmith file, then import it into the lower version of twinmotion you wish to use. But kindly note, painted vegetation, possibly context and some other things may not show but singly places vegetation, furniture and materials used will be available

You can use my Asset Downgrader | Fab to downgrade assets all the way back to 4.27 .