How can we export and load metahuman into webpage?

I have exported metahuman from Quixel Bridge to unreal engine,
and I am not sure how to get that metahuman loaded into a webpage

Can somebody help me please?

Most commonly WebXR/WebGL is now used to display 3D in a web browser. It is not clear to me that MetaHumams are compatible with this, probably too big. On the other hand, avatars do seem to be compatible with WebXR, not as avatars but as 3D assets in GLB format. It is possible that MetaHumans have gone down the wrong road, trying to stay compatible with movie quality, virtual production quality, instead of the common player-characters that everyone really wants to use.

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Thanks for your help. I was able to get this model to work on my webpage, but there must be a way to include these metahumans in the web pages.

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Please tell me how you did it?