How can we change the date in a presentation (exe viewer)?

If we are in VR, we can change the date and time, but outside of VR, we can only change the time of day. Can we get a hotfix to add the interface to change the date in other navigation modes?



Hello ,

Thank you for posting your question in the community and at this time in Twinmotion you can change the Month, and Time of day under the Location settings. It is important to set the location and the Month, and time of day to get the most accurate lighting as possible.

Please note that the current default settings are as follows:

  • Day of the month is fixed to the 20th
  • Calendar Year is fixed to 2016

If you would like to make any suggestions please provide them in the road-map here:

Kind regards,

Vincent B.

Hi Vincent,

Thanks for the quick answer.

Looks like I should have included screen shots to be more clear:

Your screenshot shows the editor.

I was talking about the presenter. (a published EXE presentation)Missing interface" data-fileid="0694z00000HZ9ZvAALPresenter screenshot" data-fileid="0694z00000HZ9ZlAALVR mode in presenter" data-fileid="0694z00000HZ9atAAD

Thanks for the link to the roadmap! Ill add feedback there as well.
