Pairs of compared vectors that are identical sometimes fail the test when they should be passing it. How can this be, and how do I fix this?
have you tried to add a breakpoint to your false branch?
Comparing float = float is unreliable, for instance, float1 can be 124.015455145 and float2 124.015455146.
You might want to use for this case a struct of Ints.
Even something more reliable would be trigger boxes with Tags, so, entering on a trigger box you get its Tag and add to the visited blocks array and/or compare if the actor already has the Tag for that trigger box.
Vectors are floating point and VERY VERY precise (to 6-15 digits) so even the engine ticking and physics calculations make them != to eachother.
Split the vector struct (right click on it) and compare each axis (x,y,z or roll, pitch, yaw) with a nearly equal (float) node and use a tolerance to your likings.
Nsomnia -UnrealTek