How can the display name of a property be localized?

I want to localize the Property DisplayName in some of my classes. I used the ‘Gather from Meta Data’ feature on the LocalizationDashboard and successfully get the DisplayName of the Property,and translated them, but i found that they don’t take effect when switching languages. I tested ‘Gather from Packages’ and ‘Gather from Text Files’ both of which can correctly collect and translate FText.
What should I do? Is there a correct approach?

To switch language, you need to play in StandAlone and double check current language with a print string if it work.

I hope to localize the display names of properties in the details panel on the editor. The simplified code I’m using is as follows:

class AMyActor : public AActor


	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, meta = (
		DisplayName = "TestA",
		Tooltip = "TestA"))
	int32 PropA;

“TestA” can be correctly gathered, but its translation cannot be applied to the editor.