I refer the RPGStartKit in market place . When my character press the left mouse button to attack , it sliding and attacking . And I refer the video on youtube , my character will running and attacking , but when I just stand and press button to attack, the part of below the waist doesn’t play the animation . How can I fix it !?
sorry for my poor english
Do you mean there is a video on youtube of this happening? If so, post a link please.
If you have no code moving your character then it is probably root motion in your animation. Either change animations to one without root motion or uncheck the root motion checkbox in the animation asset.
HI RimmyD,
In this video
If follow the video , press button to attack and run , the animation that below the waist will disappear .
This is my animBP , when I attcking and moveing, my character will sliding and play attack animation .
thank you for your answer .
Your problem is you have slot combo plugged into both the saved pose and the Blend Pose 0. You don’t want it in the chain going into the SavedPose if you are using it to play the punch animation. Right now you are overriding the Default State machine with the punch. Try plugging Default into the SavedPoseLocomotion
I do that. But the animation that below the waist will not play ,
just wave the sword by arm .