Like if I wanna see the vital statistics like date of export, modeling application used, export plugin and version, or unit scale. Thanks.
I know this is a couple years too late for the original post, but for future searches:
- If you are using the ASCII flavor, you can crack open the file in a text editor and check the “FBXHeaderExtension” section for most of what was asked about. Other data can be found “GlobalSettings”, etc.
- You also have the FBX SDK option where you can use the C++ or Python APIs… Help
- Blender has some Python scripts that you can reference, as well. This has the double edged sword of not being dependent on the Autodesk FBX SDK, freeing you from dependencies but throwing you into the world of unofficial support for a proprietary format. DL the zip archive and check in here: ~\Downloads\blender-2.77a-windows64\2.77\scripts\addons\io_scene_fbx