How can I view a UESTATS file?

I have looked for a few hours now on how to view a UESTATS file that was created with stat startfile and stat stopfile, and the only information I can find is that I should open it up in the profiler tab of the session frontend, but there is no profiling tab and checking the window options on the session frontend confirms this. No profiler tab.

Hopefully I am missing something simple but any help on how to view UESTATS files in UE 5.3 would be greatly appreciated.

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Hey there @Aquilus107! So the UESTATS files are basically snippets from the profiler, hope this helps!

Loading Statistics

To load statistics into Session Frontend Profiler:

  1. From the Unreal Editor Menu Bar, select Tools > Session Frontend.

  2. With Session Frontend open, select the Profiler tab.

  3. To open a file for profiling, select Load. A File Explorer winow will appear for you to select the uestats file you wish to open for profiling.

  4. After selecting a uestats file, click Open to load the file.


I have seen that tutorial and attempted to do just that, but the UFE window I am getting lacks a profiler tab. Is there another way to access the profiler? Is this a bug? Am I doing something obvious wrong?

I am having the same problem, did you find anything ?

@EndRevenge Yeah, I did figure this out, the profiler is deprecated I think, the program to use now is Unreal Insights. To get to Insights I had to go to C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3\Engine\Binaries\Win64 and find the Unreal Insights application. Open up unreal insights and you should see a live session available if your Unreal Editor is open, and you can view the statistics in real time.

There are some videos that explain basic usage, such as


Thank you buddy. I will look into it.

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