How can I use the escape key on the editor with my BP?

I am creating & testing a game in the ue5 editor.
When I press the escape key in the editor, the game exits.
How can I use the escape key on the editor with my BP?

The following thread was a close topic and was useful and meaningful information for me, but not complete.
I am looking for a way to disable it temporarily rather than permanently during a game.

So you’ve figured out you can turn off the ESC key in the editor settings?

Either it stops the game, or you turn it off in the editor settings, and then handle it yourself during the game.

That’s about it :slight_smile:

Yes, thanks, the remedies here certainly helped me!
(Editor Preferences > General > Keyboard Shortcuts, “Play World (PIE/SIE)” “Stop”)
I can also see that after setting this up I can handle it myself.
But this is a personal setting, right?
If I set this up, it does not necessarily mean that other members will also set this up!
Can I accomplish that without changing this setting itself?
Or how do I force the setting to be changed/disabled?


Ah, I see.

When you package the game, the ESC key does not work :wink:

( you have to handle it yourself if you want it to do something ).

Thank you.
Well, I’ll take more time to do my own research on this.
Thank you for your help.
Thanks for the advice.

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