I have a camera(first-person/no boom) attached to said capsule.
I want the camera to inherit the roll and yaw of the capsule without inheriting the pitch.
I used “set absolute” on the camera and that does the trick for the pitch but I’m having serious trouble adding the yaw and roll back into it the component so that it’s essentially inheriting everything but the capsule pitch.
Notes that may complicate things: no camboom being used, character may be upside down/on walls/etc. So I have to find the player “up” direction which is called “relativeZenithDirection” or “relativeGravityDir” for down. This is where the capsule rotation comes from. Appreciate any attempts to answer. Been a frustrating couple days.
Nope. Tried that. Pawn control rotation is something I had to turn off to get my traversal system working turning it back on breaks everything. That was the main method I was trying to get to work after I saw the spring arm “inherit…” check boxes. It kinda worked but not when my player went upside down.
You may have to use AddRelativeRotation or SetRelativeRotation for the camera and break the rotator (or right click it and choose “Split Struct Pin”). That will give you access to the pitch, yaw, roll individually. When the character is upside down you pass a different value for the pitch, through a Select node.