How can i use multiple UV textures

Hi every one, i am new to Unreal engine and am stuck on using a multi uv map.
I have made a model in 3ds max and split the textures into 2 UV maps ( U1V1 and U2V1 )
I import into substance painter and texture both uv maps then export.
Now how do i connect both textures to my model in unreal?
I have attached an image to help visualize my question


As far as I know Unreal doesn’t support these kind of uv maps… You will need to have 2 separate uv maps in different channels… But it might have been changed!!
…if it does:
In your material settings (Unreal) you can have a node called TextureCoordinate where you can set which uv channel you want to use!

Thanks Maki girl, but it doesn’t work for me , i think i have done something wrong?
i have 2 textures , 1 blue and 1 wood
Blue index - 0
wood index -1
do i have to combine them some how and slot the combined material in the material slot

How about using 2 different materials instead. That way you can also have the UV shells overlapping to get optimal coverage, as long as the overlapping parts don’t share the same material.


The UV in channel 0 is a mess, but since they don’t share the same material it doesn’t matter.
In channel 1 you need to have a non overlapping UV for lightmap generation.

Thanks buddy, but not sure why it doesn’t work for me, i dropped the wood texture into a new mat slot
Not sure what i am doing wrong? Surely this must be a simple thing to fix and im just being a idiot

For example if i had an object like a truck, i wouldn’t want all my textures on a single 1k texture, how would i go about having for example a texture for just the wheels, then the car frame would have its own texture

I’ll just show how it works for me, if the material slots are still not being utilized, I assume there is some extra step in 3ds Max you need to make first, but I can’t help with that unfortunately. Never used 3ds Max.

So in my modelling software I apply different materials to my object.

Then in Unreal, I make 2 different materials with 2 different textures, and apply them to their respective slot. (or in this case, I just modified the imported materials from Maya)

Amazing, Thank you so much!
Basically i just replicated that in Max with a multi material, applied 2 random standard materials to the multi material and re-imported into UE and it works a charm

No problem, glad to help!

More materials in scene - higher load on video card. Be careful. You are advising the person on something that will ruin the final scene in the future.