How can I use multiple animation blue prints?

Hello I’m a Game Design student and I’ve started working on a basic project that I would like to use for a portfolio. My main question right now is how to change from Animation_BP-AAnimation BP-B. For example I have the basic mannequin third person set up. I want to make it so that when I pick up a weapon he goes to using the animation blueprint for holding weapons and crouching.

No gun = Animation BP-A: walking, run, jump, landing

With gun = Animation BP-B: arms like holding rifle while walking, jumping, landing

I hope I made it as clear as possible, anything helps really

You wouldn’t use multiple blueprints, you probably need to research state machines: Unreal Engine Tutorial: Animation State Machine - YouTube

An animation video series:

These are some nodes I have used in the past to animate my characters.

But if you really want to set a different animation blueprint you can set it with the Set Anim Instance Class node.