How can I use an Input Action in multiple modes?

Hello everyone,

I am making a game and I would like to keep things very easy for the Players. My idea is that the game uses only 2 buttons, and according to the mode they are used it will make different things.

Each one of the 2 actions can be:

  • Single press: make action A
  • Double press: make action B
  • HOLD: make action C

Ho can I check inside of my character blueprint if a Input Action has been pressed once, twice or held?

Hey there!
Your answers in this video:


mmm almost! Thank you, but there is a bug here: in fact, like this always repeat the single press before of doing one of the other 2

tried all triggers?


Yes I did, and it’s not working, maybe because of my blueprint.

Now I fixed it using a different configuration…

First of all, I made a specific input action (in my case, it’s a dog):

Then I created the single press action like this (in my case, jump):

Then I created the sprint action on double press, like this:

Finally, I have created the hold part without considering the DogGood input action, like this:

The blueprint is configured like this:


and in the Tick stops sprinting when characters stops:

Finally, the sneak:

I have to fix the fact that jumps after sneaking and that’s it!