I then tried getting the control rig from the animation blueprint, that worked, however I can then cannot figure out how to get the position of a control within the rig as its not a “Control Rig Component” and thus is not compatible with the “get control transform” node.
So I know it’s been a few months, but for archiving purposes and since this is the first thread that pops up on google:
From my knowledge the correct way to go about this is to use an animation blueprint with the ControlRig node, and then control the ControlRig through the animation blueprint.
Hi, I’ve faced similar issue like author of this post.
Like you said, we can use ControlRig node in Animation Blueprint. It is what I successfully did until faced another issue.
The issue with that approach. If you need to create Level Sequence event when e.g. a Sequence has ended, in that case you need Control Rig Component in your Blueprint to bind to Level Sequence Player.