How can I update my old assets for a new Unreal Engine version?

Hi. Sorry for my bad English!
I have an asset in marketplace which compatible with 4.10, and 4.11. How can I create an update which preserve the backward compatibility with 4.10, 4.11 and and now already compatible with 4.12?
Thank you for your answers!

Hi sipci1989!

To update your pack, you need to complete the following:

  • Download your pack from the Marketplace. This is important to make sure you’re updating the same files we’ve uploaded.
  • Add the existing pack to a new project then make your changes.
  • Update your pack and test it on your machine.
  • ZIP up your content, config, and project file and post it somewhere we can download it (Dropbox, Google Drive, FTP site, etc).
  • Send an email to with the following information:
  • your name
  • your Epic ID (the email address you use to sign in to the Unreal Engine launcher)
  • your pack name
  • list of changes made
  • list of text updates you want us to post to your download page on the launcher
  • list of platforms and engine version numbers tested on
  • link to updated files
  • List item

Once you have completed these steps, send your update files to and we take care of the selected versions you would like to support along with the latest version of the engine. Let me know if you have and other questions or concerns. I will be happy to help! :slight_smile:



Hi Reubitron!
Thank you for your answer, but I have a problem.

I cannot add it to new version of Unreal Engine.

May I use an old version?

Thank you for your help!

You will need to add the previous files, such as version 4.11, into a new project in the 4.12 version. If there is no new content needed in the update and is working as intended, you may reach us at to let us know that your pack is compatible with the latest version. Please let me know if you have any further questions.



Thank you!
Have a nice day!:smiley: