How can I translate/transform/scale an object in the editor using the keyboard?

As far as I can tell, my only options are the mouse and the coordinates. The former requires clicking and dragging and the latter requires finding and clicking on the appropriate coordinate fields and then entering the numbers. I have tremors and muscle spasms so I prefer to use the mouse as little as possible.

Here is what I am wondering:

  • Is there a way to select an object you are looking at using a key?
  • Is there a way to translate/transform/scale an object using keys?
  • Is there a way to jump to the coordinate boxes using a key without clicking first?
  • Tab seems to work sometimes but it’s unreliable and I have no idea under what circumstances it works.
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Wish I had answers to your questions. Here’s a couple of things to consider:

  • you can ctrl+tab to cycle between open tabs, and ctrl+shift+tab to cycle backwards

  • you can press ctrl+1-9 to store a location in any blueprint graph and recall that location with shift+1-9 - this one is BIG for anyone…

  • you can bind a key shortcut to Level Editor → Delta Transform and then:

Image from Gyazo

  • pressing F4 brings Details tab into focus (perhaps you can tab quicker this way)

  • explore the Editor Preferences → Keyboard Shortcuts; there might be useful functionality tucked away

I’ll post more if anything remotely useful comes to mind. Btw, have you considered any other tracking devices (ball trackers, for example) - would that help at all?

You can also write your own interface elements that suit your particular needs, for example:

Image from Gyazo

This would allow you to granularly scale a bunch of actors using mostly keyboard and without punching in numbers. This is a crude example, ofc and can be done better.

They’re called Editor Utility Widgets:

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