I’m trying to teleport a team (team of maximum 8 players) to 8 teleporters so that each player spawns on their own teleporter and don’t collide with one another. Can anyone help while not making it too complex?
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I made this little thing in my editor you can just copy paste the devices along with their Direct Event Bindings here PasteBin. This mechanic only works once per-round (Unless you re-enable and reset the Triggers).
When You want players to be teleported Have them trigger this big trigger.
And move the teleporters wherever you want them to be.
@editable Teleporters : []teleporter_device = array{}
Players := GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
for(I -> Teleporter : Shuffle(Teleporters), Player := Players[I]):
Something like this could work
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Does the “I” represent team index? Is that what I am supposed to switch?
It represent the iteration index, like in a loop, in this example you wouldn’t use GetPlayers() which returns every connected players but you would retrieve your team players instead