I have a player chracter blueprint that has all the settings for the player. It has changeable stat bonuses that i want to use to change animations. In this case running to sprinting. So i have the standard blendspace for idle–>run. Then in the player blueprint I have, At button press, increase max speed. The amount that the button press changes the MaxSpeedSprint (floatvariable) is dependent on an AgilityBonus variable. Theres also a MaxWalkSpeed float variable.
What I want is for my animation blueprint to compare the characters current speed (easy and done), to the MaxWalkSpeed float variable. Using something like Speed>MaxWalkSpeed=true in order to enter the next transition.
Basically the MaxWalkSpeed and MaxSprintSpeed will change throughout the game and the animation transition should follow suit.
I assume it has something to do with casting but i cant seem to get it to work.