Hopefully someone can help me with this. Basically i understand loading and unloading a level using streaming if i have a trigger volume or a level streaming volume that i walk into.
But how can i load and unload levels, ideally using a blueprint if they are outisde of the camera view frustrum? Lets say i have a 10km x 10km landscape, broken down into 1km squares that i can fly around and walk around. Obviously i want the squares that i can see in the distance to load, but the ones behind the camera to unload. Is this easy? Possible?? Can anyone point me in the direction of a good tutorial?
Any help greatly appreciated.
I don’t thing it is so necessary for background stuff that are usually at very low LODs or using simplygon to mash everything together and get more frames. What if your player decides to spin around? You’re going to keep unloading and loading so many levels, a gazillion tiems, beating on the HDDs
I think it is, as there are lots of building etc to load and unload. I’m quite happy for there to be a slight delay on the load.
I think maybe using the world composition tool might be the way to do it.
:)) Hi. I just read the topic not comments.
There is a volume named Level streaming volume which can be associated with a specific Level. when you are inside that volume that Level will be load and if you are out of that volume that level will be unloaded.
so you can have one of that volume which is associated with a level in a distance
place a level streaming volume some where and go to Editor>Window>Levels> and then click on that magnifier, from there you can associate a specific level with that volume you have already placed in the world.
note: those levels which you want to load in run time must be sublevel and streaming volumes must be in persistent level
I do believe you are looking for World Composition:
You can in general put different parts of your level in different layers all separated by distance settings. So you have a presistince level then distance mountains and islands in certain parts appear and unload based on distance. You can easily move things from layer to layer if you mess up your items.
Thanks, I thought i needed World Composition. Thanks for the link too…