How can I store created materials into a folder (a repository) which I can load into Projects?

Here are the steps I am using to Import/Migrate a material from one Project to another but it is so tedious doing it this way and I’m wondering if there’s a better way!

  1. I create a New Project A and save the Project A

  2. The Material I want to use is in Project B, so I close Project A and Open Project B.

  3. In Project B, I select the Material I want to Export/Migrate (Right-Click > Asset Actions > Migrate)

  4. I close Project B and open Project A where the Material was migrated too. Done!

Is there a way to store created materials into a folder (a repository) which I can load ready-made Materials from into New Projects?

I am a newbie so please explain in layman terms. Thanks.

Not that I know of - Migrating is the only way as far as i know. :slight_smile:

You should be able to move the uasset file from one project to another, but you need to also move the textures along.

for my personal workflow I have a Materials folder that includes a Texture folder in all projects.
So if imo want I can quickly copy textures / materials and I always know where to find them.

The names unfortunately have to get pretty complicated - i started adding the name of the mesh they belong to to it in order to figure out what’s what.
This wont matter at first, but when you start pushing 150 base materials it gets though.

the other options people use are Master materials - a material that takes Textures as parameters, so you can replace them by instance.
This is great if you have all your textures.
More often then not in my case I design materials without textures or with as little use of textures as I can for it’s far too complicated to get the specularity/ao/displacement stuff going off a single picture - or if I really need them unusually I end up making a 3d model and baking the maps off it.

Other then master materials you can use Material Functions to achieve some of the standard things you find your self doing constantly - bumping up a normal map intensity.
overlaying color to a desaturated texture.
The material functions can also be moved by copying the uasset file.

Note: the engine will complain if the materials are from an older version of the engine and you copy them into the current version. For those cases it’s best to migrate.

Thank you all but this is so confusing and frustrating. Storing and importing of content so confusing. I downloaded a folder of trees and bushes etc and it is stored in a folder called “Vault Cache”. In Unreal, I right click in my Content folder and select “Import” and browse to the folder containing the trees but it’s all greyed out.

There are hundred of mesh assets in this folder but Why do I have to download/ Import all of them into every Project when I only want to use a few of them?

Please explain if there is another way to do this. Thanks!

I downloaded a free folder of assets including tress etc. There are hundred of mesh assets in this folder but Why do I have to download/ Import all of them into every Project when I only want to use a few of them? How can I import only a few grass models into the Content Folder? As far as I know you have to import the whole folder which contains hundreds of items.

Question: Can I create a new folder named “Content” and only put the few grass items I want in there and then upload that folder? Please explain!