Heey, I had the same problem and I think I might have a solution:
I used another Camera Boom, which is is set to be a child of the Capsule Component and I added a Skeletal mesh and the regular Camera Boom to that New Boom.
note that the new Camera Boom has to be at the location where the Default Mesh is and have a boom length of 0
In the details of the new Camera Boom you have to “enable Camera Lag” and I find best results between 5 and 12 “Camera Lag Speed”. You might also play a little with the “Camera Lag Max Distance” to get better results. (I also recomend to add at least a smal lag on the regular Camera Boom)
Then I set up the new mesh like my character mesh and hide the old one.
And with this the shaking/Snapping is not gone like on a ramp but it is significantly reduced
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