Is it possible to slow down the time of my game with thew set global time dilation but have it not affect=ct the player?? If so, how do I pull that off??
thank you!!
Is it possible to slow down the time of my game with thew set global time dilation but have it not affect=ct the player?? If so, how do I pull that off??
thank you!!
Answering my own question here but just in case anyone has the same problem it’s quite simple.
You can have an event of your choosing run into the set global time dialation node and say…set it to 0.1
Click on the canvas and type get player pawn, drag a wire and type custom time dialation.
Sense the global is set to .1 set the custom to 10.
If you’d like, the click on he canvas and type get player controller, do the exact same thing…
that way the controller and the player move at regular speed but everything else is slowed down.
Hello, check plugin, it may help you Advanced Time Management in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
Could you Explain with a bit more detail?
Hey man I followed this and it didn’t work