How can I show a running timer's remaining time on a text block

I want to show the remaining time of a timer on a text block that I made, can anyone help?

Hi @nelmi, we have a tutorial that shows how to do this! Custom Countdown Timer

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I looked into it and I don’t think that could work. I read a little on the GetActiveDuration and I believe that’s what I need but I don’t know how to set it up to an already existing string or message

That tutorial shows how to change the text of the UI. You can take the UI part of the code to do the same thing with a Timer device, or you can copy-paste the complete code to have a Verse-only timer that counts down on screen.

@summergrrrl The thing is that I have a timer device already set up and everything and I am having a really hard time trying to find something can work for me. If that’s alright, could you please point it out because I never worked with timers on UI before. Tia