How can I set up an inventory system with Data Asset?

I don’t know much about this. I know that Data Table is normally used, but since I want it to be more optimized, I want to get the information in the inventory with data assets. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can get started or can guide me?

you can just create an array of data assets as your inventory. or put it in a struct if there are values you need to save like item durability etc

I think I understand. So, I can just create a structure and extract information from the structure it creates. Is it true ?

So is this exactly what you’re talking about?

I want to do this with data asset, not data table. I hope it happens.

data assets should use fixed values, ie item name, item icon etc
structures you can instantiate values ie each item has a number of uses left

so depending on what you need, use either or both :slight_smile: