How can I set the VS include path?

I know how to set the include path, through Project->Properties. But it does not work: I want VS to take the header files from the Android-ndk, because android/sensor.h needs a different sys/types.h. I already deleted the Windows-include-paths from Project->Properties, but VS still taking sys/types.h from these paths, ignoring my already added ndk-path. Any experiences with this?

I think everything should work if you build for Android. You will get error if you gonna use android sdk code while building for Windows, if not during compilation then at linking. You should filter android code with this (including includes):

Code for Android
Code for other platfroms, you dont need else if you dont need fallback

If you need entire class to be build only on android, then make seperate module just for android and you can create sperate module for other platforms.

If it really does not work (but i think it should), then you need to set includes in module build script (*.cs file not the target one, UBT compily ignores VS configuration), you place that in constructor:

		new string[] {
			// ... add public include paths required here ...
		new string[] {
			// ... add other private include paths required here ...