Hey! I am having a few problems with setting the size and location of my mesh. For some reason, my Mesh (standard UE4 cube) is a lot bigger than my “collision component”, but I already have all scale related variables set to “0”. In addition, I wanted to ask how I can make the Mesh a child of the “collision component”. Is what I have done okay? Because “collision component” doesn’t have any sockets (its a UBoxComponent).
I also wondered if anyone can tell me why it takes so long for me to update the changes to my mesh. I always have to restart the program etc. which can be pretty frustrating, and even then the program usually doesn’t recognise the changes I made.
I was watching this question and curious what an answer would be, but none yet. I am very new to UE4 and wish I could give you an answer. You mention setting scale values to “0”, but above you use 0.5, do you really want it to not be visible or have 0 volume? Are you not showing the extents of the box component, what did you set that and does it match say the bounds of your box? My apologies if I am way off target. I combed the docs and this codebase is new for me, that’s my disclaimer.
Then I checked in the editor on my blueprint, and the following tab (the “transform” one) appeared, that had not been there previously (picture). Now I can even move the Mesh around in the blueprint as if I added it with the blueprint instead of script. Awesome!