HI guys in have a few photos and i don’t know what i should do to set random background in main menu from this photos.
you can store all your photos in an array, then randomize an int and use it as array index in your get node.
I don’t understand
You want to say
i can use it like index
Hi xMendozallx,
To do this, you will need to select the image in your UMG Widget and use a “Set Brush” node. As expose mentions above, you get a random int in range for an array of materials set to the images you want to use. It is important to remember that in the material your material domain needs to be set to “User Interface” or it will not be usable in UMG. You can set up the randomization similar to the image below, which sets the image on begin play and on a custom event that can be called. In this instance, I have it set to call the custom event any time I press the input 1 (set in a different blueprint).