In my case I created a player and get local player handle
then I try to cast local player to a controller can “SetControlRotation” but why there is not a function called “SetControlLocation” ?
UPlayer * Player0 = World->GetFirstLocalPlayerFromController();
UGameInstance* GameInstance = World->GetGameInstance();
FString erroIn = TEXT("Player1");
UPlayer * Player1 = GameInstance->CreateLocalPlayer(1, erroIn, true);
FRotator RoationLeft = FRotator(MainCamRotaion.Pitch, MainCamRotaion.Yaw + CamsRotation, MainCamRotaion.Roll);
FRotator RoationRight = FRotator(MainCamRotaion.Pitch, MainCamRotaion.Yaw - CamsRotation, MainCamRotaion.Roll);