how can i save the player’s location when exiting the previous level (noob question)
In your save game, set a vector variable for the actors location in that level, the use that variable to set their location on begin play when re entering that level,
I’m making an RPG where there’s lots of dungeons in the main world, I have a save game function for saving and loading when entering and exiting dungeons, when entering a dungeon, a boolean is set and a main world location is saved in save game, when loading into the dungeon, that boolean is ready as “in dungeon” and that variable is passed as a holder to the player class, but the player spawns at the dungeon beginning, when exiting the dungeon, that boolean is read and set to false, and the save game location variable is set from the actors “main world location” variable, when loading back into the main world the boolean is ready as not in a dungeon so the actors location is set at the saved vector(from before they entered the dungeon) hope this helps
Thank you so much, thats exactly what im looking for!!!
Forsure, it was a suprisingly difficult system to setup, if you need help putting it together find me on discord: ROFLMASTER or roflmaster.(with the period)