How can I save the number of ammo along with the weapon?
This may not be the best way to do it, but it works and has not slowed my game at all, so it should hopefully help you out at least for prototyping. Make a new SaveGame type and create variables for each of the stats you want to save on the weapon that might change. Once done, set it up to save and load the same way you would the player save/load system, go here if you need any help with that system. Then set the Load and Save functions to Load and Save when the player Loads and Saves by making an event for each within the weapon master blueprint and do a cast from the player inside of the player Load/Save functions. If you want, you can have an input called “Save Weapon” as a bool and use that with a branch so you can only save the weapon when you check the input bool.
If you do it this way you can save ammo count for each individual gun, and all other stats. Hope this helps!