I can move a pivot point in unreal 4. (Alt + MMB)

Import a FBX file.
Before pivot point location like this.

So, I move a pivot point.
But …
real pivot point can’t move.
So I can’t use a distance cull volume.
Because I think distance cull volume working on position about pivot
How can i solve this problem ?
I want to move a real pivot point location.
There is no way (as far as I know) to save the pivot change from the MMB trick. The very best thing is to export your models with the object on the origin, as Unreal places the pivot where your 0,0,0 is in your 3D package. The other thing you could do is drop your object into a blueprint and move the object to be over the blueprint origin (ignoring the pivot)
All that aside. I thought the cull distance volume used the object bounds to calculate. Which should be correct even if the pivot is wrong. (You can see the bounds by going to show>advanced>bounds)