How can I save/load TArray data?


Hello I’m trying to make save/load system in my game. I wrote InventoryComponent that has TArray like this.

UCLASS( ClassGroup=(Custom), meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent) )
class GAME_API UInventoryComponent : public UActorComponent
    // skip unnecessary code
    // ...
    TArray<FItemSlot> InventoryArray;

and initialize 5 default element in BeginPlay() or load SaveGame data. and when I save game, I copy InventoryComponent::InventoryArray to SaveGame::SavedInventoryArray.

	// load save game to CurrentSaveGame (skip code)
	if (CurrentSaveGame)
		InventoryArray = CurrentSaveGame->SavedInventoryArray;
		InventoryArray.Init(FItemSlot(), 5);

void UInventoryComponent::SaveCurrent(UMySaveGame* CurrentSaveGame)
	CurrentSaveGame->SavedInventoryArray = InventoryArray;

All is work clear at first time. but when I load save game from a slot, the engine gives me this warning.

LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to find object 'Object None.None'

Can I just ignore this? or did I miss something? please give me some advice.
one more curious thing is, I think TArray::operation= generate new memory. so in my code there are physically seperated 2 inventory array. but I want have only 1 inventory array. I tried TArray* SavedInventoryArray but it doesn’t compiled. and TArrayView isn’t solution for me. How can I syncronize InventoryComponent::InventoryArray with SaveGame::SavedInventoryArray? Should I copy whole array like that? I think it’s very waste of memory.

additional code

ItemSlot is just simple struct that has pointer and count value.

struct GAME_API FItemSlot

	// all of variable is UPROPERTY
	UItem* SlottedItem;
	int Count;

Item is UPrimaryAssetData.

class GAME_API UItem : public UPrimaryDataAsset

	// has FText for display name, FSlateBrush for icon.

and I wrote SaveGame class like this

class GAME_API UMySaveGame : public USaveGame

	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite)
		TArray<FItemSlot> SavedInventoryArray;


  1. why the enigne gives me LogUObjectGlobals: Warning: Failed to find object ‘Object None.None’ warning? How can I fix this?

  2. How to send just reference of TArray to another TArray variable? no copy but just reference.