How can I save data from Unreal Engine

I am currently developing a game in VR and I am trying to add a points system. There will be some tasks that players need to accomplish and they will get 4 points for each task.

What I am trying to make is that when a specified button is pressed at the end of the game, the player will be able to see which tasks he accomplished and the total points he get after closing the game. So, I need some file to be saved into PC.

I am wondering how can I make such a thing. Thanks for any help.

If you just want the player to be able to a summary, then you can use a widget to put the information on the screen.

If you want the player to be able to accumulate points, and then carry on playing again at a later time, then you also need a save game

I don’t want to carry the points for a later time. Yes, I want a summary, but I want this summary to be saved into a file in PC.

Then you either need a plugin, or write it yourself in CPP

This plugin can write to text files afair:

There may be more alternatives on marketplace, too.

Thank you, I will look into them. It is pretty interesting unreal engine does not have a built-in function for that.