How can I run the CrashReportClient stand-alone?

I am trying to come up with a way to do crash reporting for Win64 client builds. When these builds crash, they save their dump files and whatnot to the “Saved/Crashes” folder. From VS I am able to launch CrashReportClient and run it like so:

CrashReportClient-Win64-Development.exe <crash dir> -UNATTENDED

This works as expected, but I need to run the CrashReportClient by itself on a machine that doesn’t have a UE4 workspace, only the client build. So I built the report client and copied all its binaries to a new folder. I then tried to run this this stand-alone copy with the work directory set to the client build’s binaries dir (e.g. ‘MyGame\Binaries\Win64’) but I keep getting this error where it complains about a missing ICU directory:

ICU data directory was not discovered:

Our client builds don’t have this directory. Can anyone advise on how I can run this tool stand-alone?