How can I run a flip book animation one time then stop?

I have an attack animation that I need to play only one time on a button press. Right now when I switch to it, it runs the animation continuously. Is there no way to define when it stops?

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In version 4.4 of Unreal you have a “Get Flipbook Length” node which you could use together with a delay to change your flipbook once it played through once.

It was introduced in this version I believe… if not it was 4.3. Besides that your only option would be getting the length of it manually and hardcoding your time into a delay.


For now I have just used a timeline and set its length to the length of the animation then change animation. It works. Thank you

Easier Solution:
Use (set looping) node on sprite component and set “new looping” false.
The animation will play once.


Thank you !


This should be the accepted solution, as it does not require any additional ticks / observers. Set Looping to false and use a Bind Event to On Finished Playing node.

Could you explain this a bit better? And do you know if it is “Bind Even to On End Play” now in UE5?

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