How can I rotate the camera around the player using the right virtual joystick?

I want the camera of the ball to rotate around the ball throuht right joystick but that not working can anyone help me out . This is the last thing I want to improve in my game . Any help is appreciated !!

Can anyone help me out !

Can you already do this with the mouse?

No I’m not be able to rotate the camera with mouse

Do you have any idea about how to do that ?

Yes, I was looking just now. You basically need to take part of the third person character BP and copy it into the ball BP. Can’t get it working quite yet…

This is the mouse camera control:



You have to put the events in the project setting ( again, copy from 3rd person proj )

But you also have to select the camera boom and set:

that’s not working . i am actually telling that the controls of left virtual joystick is working as per the rolling ball template means if i am pressing the right joystick right side and changing my camera direction to right side and then pressing the left joystick forward then it will go in the left direction. means it is not following the rotation of the camera

That worked . But now the movement joystick is not working properly if I am turning camera right and pressing the left joystick forward then ball is going in left direction

Means the controls of left joystick is not working as per instruction of right joystick

If things are just going the wrong way, change the 1 in the project settings to a -1.

You mean camera is moving but ball is not following camera?

Yes. !!!

You also need to update your movement nodes:

so it’s adding torque from the camera direction…

Everything worked well . Thank you so so much for your help !!