How can I rotate an animation I purchase from the marketplace?

I’ve purchased a wonderful pack of animations for a platformer game I’m working on.

Sadly I’ve come to find while their is a walking forwards animation there is not a walking/left/right/back animation for use in my 2d blendspace!

Now by duplicating the walk forward animation and setting the animation rate to -1.0 I’ve succeeded in creating a walking backwards animation :slight_smile:

The question I have is how can I use the existing walk forward animation to create a walk left/right animation? All I need to do is rotate the walking forward animation by 90 degrees.

I’ve tried rotating the root bone but that applies to all my animations not just the one I want!

Secondly I found I can set the import rotation to 90 degrees and re-import the animation which would be great but I don’t have the .fbx files to re-import! All the animations are file type .uasset!

So with those two options out, how can I rotate my animations?

Thank you for the time! I’m sure this is a simple problem and I’m being blind…

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Hey @SamKeene,

It sounds like you are close to figuring this one out! To get the FBX you need, you can right click the animation, go to asset actions, then export it. That will give you an FBX that you can edit in your editor of choice, or as you mentioned simply apply a rotation to when reimporting.

I hope this works for you, and good luck!