Hello, i am trying to figure out how to “restart” blueprint animation timeline, after my character dies and respawns at the level start. Once my character overlaps collision box, timeline starts, and static mesh(water in this case) is rising, but when he dies i need this blueprint to restart somehow, so he can activate the whole sequence again.
As you can see, i got some basic blueprints from tutorials, everything is working great expect that i need to somehow reset the timeline sequence after respawning, or actually reset it to default, so the timeline is not triggered before i reach the collision box again.
I hope you can help me 
Connect to ‘play from start’

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Why would it change anything? Just asking to be honest, i am a noob in unreal, but i just tried that and its not solving my problem. The point is, animation timeline is still running after my respawn, i need to stop it. Playing from start didnt help at all, i think its more complicated than that.
When you say ‘animation timeline’, do you mean that timeline that’s raising the water, or do you mean character animation?
i mean water going up yes, i know its technically not an animation, sorry for that. All i need is to somehow reset the whole blueprint sequence, which is timeline of water (simple plane mesh with water texture) whenever my character dies, so after respawn he can trigger it again, otherwise the timeline is still playing (its set for 3 mins) and water is actually the thing killing you, you have to climb higher and higher to avoid it. I hope everything is clear now
Ok, so when the character dies, set the timeline playback time to zero

i am so sorry for wasting your time, just after 5 hours of thinking i figured out a way to do that. All i had to do is just add another collision that covers the water plane, and use stop and set new time to 0 on the timeline. i feel so stupid
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