I'm importing a udatasmith file genereted by Navisworks but the original model come from civil3D.
I feel like this issue come from how the 3d model was initially created. Any tips to solve this, workflow recommendations or even vague ideas will be a great help !
Are you applying the textures to the model after importing into Twinmotion, or are they already applied beforehand and this is how it appears after importing into Twinmotion?
Additionally, using the material picker to analyze the materials and textures more closely, do the material settings and texture maps appear to be the same or different in both cases (same settings values and same texture/roughness/metalness maps or are some values different or some maps using Twinmotion default maps)?
If you want us to take a closer look, you can submit your files in a bug report here so our support team can investigate further to see if this might be a bug.
I've tried to defined materials inside Navisworks, exporting as udatsmith and importing it into Twinmotion. However this doesn’t work well because materials isn’t properly defined during udatasmith exportation. So I’ve tried to use substitution table to replace Navisworks (layers) materials with Twinmotions materials. Material substitutions work well, however I have this texture issue that I mentioned.
So I tried to import udatasmith file without substitution options and manually change materials by dragging and dropping Twinmotion materials. This brings me to the same situation as using substitution table.
That’s why I tried to export my model as .fbx from Navisworks and applying materials inside Twinmotion. With this methods I’m able to see textures. However substitution table isn’t accessible while importing .fbx files which force me to manually set materials.
As you recommended me, I’ve compared materials settings from .udatasmith and .fbx files inside Twinmotion. They all haves same settings except that material generated by substitution has a different names.
If this informations aren'’t enough to solve my issue I will submit a bug report as you suggested me.