How can I reset an animation in the anim Graph/event Graph?

My problem is pretty simple. I don’t know how to reset an animation in the Anim graph or reset a variable, so the animation starts from the beginning without starting from the point it last ended.
Thank you :slight_smile:

Anytime you enter a state in an AnimGraph, the animations contained inside are reset. For example, if you are in an Idle state and enter your Jog state, the jog anim will play from the beginning. But, if you transition to another anim contained inside your Jog state (like a turn or a lean or something) and then back to the jog anim, it may not start from the beginning (because the anim won’t re-initialize automatically until you leave and re-enter the state).

So, if you always want your animation to play from the start, put it in a state so that any time you transition to it, it will start fresh.

Hope that helps!

Isn’t there another way? Sometimes using a separate state is not possible (I am using Layered Blend Per Bone, and somehow I should be able to restart the extra animation independently from the state of the rest).

This might got added with a new update, but you can check “reset child on activation” in your blend node.


I don’t know if it’s still relevant. But if you select a node in the state machine there’s a checkbox in the details panel called “Always Reset on Entry”.

Make sure it’s checked.

Worked in UE 4.18.

Worked in 4.26 too

Having same issue here - found any solution?

So many years and the simple “reset” or “set frame” node would save everyone the trouble