How can I recover previous saves?

Sorry to hear about your crash! hate when that happens.

Check in your project directory, there is a folder called Saved, and within it there is a Backup directory where autosaves will be (from when Editor autosaves with popup).

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They are in Documents > Unreal Projects > MyProject > Saved > Backup and Autosaves folders.

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After an unexpected crash while trying to edit geometry in edit mode, I am unable to recover saves.

Where are files and how can I force U4 to load them? After all, what is a save if not for this reason?

Hey charliewhiskey,

Moose and are correct; you can find saved and auto-saved files in your project folder. You can also take a look at this post if there’s anything not saving way you expect:

Hope that helps!

OK, I found a .umap file from about 1715 today. How do I tell U4 to open it and load?

Seriously???Save content is NOT DEFAULT?

You can open map from inside editor. When in appropriate project, go to File > Open Level and navigate to .umap you want to open.

Gone. Unreal needs to set save content AS DEFAULT. After all, who does not want to save CONTENT???

I’m done. Thanks anyway.

You can enable Save Content from Editor Preferences. Constantly auto saving contents takes up too much space as your project grows.

Ok, If space required to continually auto-save gets too large, how about setting a limit of 3-4 before we begin to overwrite? This would bridge gap between one ideology (issue) and another. original save that was opened would remain intact until manually overwritten and each save of that “session” would only run 3 at a time. I would suggest that in most cases, standard workflow would allow for such a set-up while still being able to recover from a crash or just a change of mind.

It already does (although it’s not configurable). It will only keep 10 auto-save files for each asset/map, after that it will start overwriting older ones.

Did editor prompt you to restore from auto-save when restarting after crash?

Ah, I thought this was only an automatived save, not an actuall backup/copy of all files.

Would be great if this was configurable to 2 or 3. My project has grown HUGE because of this.

I had a similar issue with this that I was hoping that someone could answer for me, I had an error with a destructible box that worked previously. I had finally got projectile to destroy boxes and then I wanted to create a randomized material blueprint and after I tried that, I couldn’t destroy boxes anymore. I have a back up file of project, but it’s saved as a JSON file. Is there anything I can do to recover this? Thanks.

I am discusted with unreal engine. Why do they have an autosave when you can not access it easily does not make sense. I was making an infiltrator copy when my computer crashed after hours of work and i can not access my files. Unreal engine has a poor reputation for lack of support. They need to improve there software

I am discusted with unreal engine. Why do they have an autosave when you can not access it easily does not make sense. I was making an infiltrator copy when my computer crashed after hours of work and i can not access my files. Unreal engine has a poor reputation for lack of support. They need to improve there software

I am discusted with unreal engine. Why do they have an autosave when you can not access it easily does not make sense. I was making an infiltrator copy when my computer crashed after hours of work and i can not access my files. Unreal engine has a poor reputation for lack of support. They need to improve there software

unreal engine need to improve there support and better there software even thougth it hasgood pbr shaders

i found problem you have to copy autosave level in your folder what your using and it has to be content folder. Then open your project and level. You have to be off software for it to work. There should be a more direct way of doing it. I love blender it is very easy and intuitive to use. Unreal engine should have an editor like blender. It is easier to navigate and move thibgs around in blender then it is in unreal engine

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How do u open file there

I learned the hard way from several crashes and level file corruptions that the best thing you do is to save manually everytime you make important changes, or at least everytime you have added content to your map and start on something else. Then you should also copy your .umap and .builddata files to a backup folder you create somewere outside you unreal project folder.

You can keep adding new backup copies to folders inside this and name them by date.
But you only need to keep those that are like < 7 days old.

So if you by misstake do something that corrupt your level / map, then you can replace the umap and builddata files with your hard backup copies :slight_smile:

Autosave is not 100% safe to rely on as you might not always get a backup (autosave) of the build data file. So always make sure to have both backed up manually somewere when working on stuff that might cause the engine to crash. Out of memory - code issues - adding a BP with issues and so on are general causes for engine crashes.
So ALWAYS make sure to create backups, and ALWAYS be sure to save manually!