How can I prevent the Editor from crashing on open after compiling C++ project?

I have made some changes and recompiled them in 2 projects and now neither of them will open (crash on open)

Where can I find the startup logs for my projects?

I am running 4.1.1 and using VS2013 express.

Both the projects are for PC not mobile.


My logs for projects are currently held in a directory like so:

C:\Users\Username\Documents\Unreal Projects\ProjectName\Saved\Logs\ProjectName

Basically the projects saved/logs directory. Are these changes you have made in a constructor at all and are you trying to spawn things there? Make sure you check before creating objects in the constructors:

static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<USomething> Something(TEXT("Material'/Game/Something'"));
if (Something)
    aThing = Somthing.Object;

You could also try to run in Debug, it will point you to line where crash happens. Keep in mind your code becomes integral part of engine and can be executed anytime in editor, so as Dune mentioned your code can crash editor anytime too