I have an [EditableTextbox] in my menu. I plan to have the player be able to select text in that box for various reasons, including copy and pasting from one [EditableTextbox] to another.
I need the text displayed in these boxes to be centered, and the “editable area” to fill the entire horizontal area of the overlay widget it is in. This will allow a wide area in which the player can click into to acquire focus on the [EditableTextbox]. Which is important, because if the editable area is too close to the actual text in the [EditableTextbox] it will make it annoying and frustrating to drag select the whole text.
I can achieve this by setting the [Slot]'s [Horizontal Alignment] to Fill, and the [Font]'s [Justification] to Center. But when I do this, When the menu is first created(and also when I click compile in the editor) the text in the [EditableTextbox] starts [Left to Right] for an instant, then changes to [Center]. This results in a fast, be still very much noticeable flicker.
Is there any way to force the [EditableTextbox] to be Center justified by default? or is there a different way of centering the text in an [EditableTextbox] with a [Horizontal Alignment] that is set to Fill?