How can i prevent movement if my spheres are colliding with an environment object?

I’ve set up a character that moves to the spheres around it which are set up on spring arms, but now i want to make it so that if the sphere is currently colliding with something then it wont move the character to the spheres location.

I think i need to use the OnComponentBeginOverlap but im not sure how to set it up.




Hi man , here how do that .
My collision box is named “LARGE” i have an collapsed graph that check :
the vector of overlapping objects of my box “LARGE”. I have it set to >1 but probably you have to put it to >0.
Because i have already an overlapping object and i want to know when anything else overlap.
Hope its clear :slight_smile:

I have posted the image with the collapsed graph , up .
And the extended graph down.
In the collapsed graph there is the “Get overlapping actor for Large” IF length >1

whats going into the collapsed graph?