as a beginner developer, I just wanna play two animations in a row in animation blueprints.
is there any way? also I don’t want to play animations for the third person player, actually for a character npc
If you strictly want to play two seperate animations one after another, you can simply combine them by editing, and keep them in your animation blueprint if they get triggered there. Just in the same state in this case.
If you want that to happen sometimes and not always though, you would need to keep them in seperate states in your animation blueprint and move on with the other once the conditions are met. (Normally you would need to enable that checkbox for automatic rule based transition that you will see on the right side when you click on the transition button which is that circle with two way arrows on it to play the next one once the previous one’s over, but like I said, you can bind that to a condition which should represent both the approval of the next one getting played and also the detection of the other animation’s finish. You do that in the event graph though. Or character blueprint and just cast from there into your event graph in your animation blueprint, doesn’t really matter. It’s just that, the variables get defined and adjusted in those places since the anim graph doesn’t have execution nodes for those. It just executes animations)
Or if that’s not really a part of a movement system, but rather a special one like using an item or something, you can play them with “Play Anim Montage” node either by seperate animations where one starts playing once the other’s done, or like I said, combine them and play a single animation montage. You would need to plug in a default slot into your out pose in your anim graph inside the animation blueprint to make that happen though, and that node only plays anim montages but it’s really incredibly easy to create one. Just right click on the animation that you wanna turn into a montage and select anim montage which should be under the create section in the menu that pops up once you right click. Also there is another node called “Play Animation” which can simply play normal animations.
All those above also apply to your NPC so you don’t have to worry about that. And if my answer was complicated, I can just give the straight answer: enable the automatic rule based transition checkbox. Which I assume is your objective, but I still wanned to give somethings extra just in case Hope we got some stuff cleared up for you