How can i play blend space?

It’s TopDownBlueprint.



I want to show ‘Swing Attack Motion’ blend space by pressing ‘1’ button. But, I can’t find a way using blend space. I only could find a single animation sequence or BP etc.

Can you maybe post a screenshot of your Anim Blueprint’s Event Graph and your blendspace (is it 1D?).

Make sure that the x coordinate variable receives a value in the Anim BP (like in the UpdateAnimation Event) and the blends are setup correctly in the blendspace (it’s easier with a 1D blendspace if you only need one variable).

If you only want to play a single swing attack animation, I think making a montage would be better for this.

You can see how AnimMontages work in this tutorial series: BP 3rd Person Game: Intro to Animation Montage | 16 | v4.8 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube
This is a bit shorter but also nice: Unreal Engine 4 Tutorial - AI - Part 8 Melee Attacks (Animation) - YouTube
Also, if your other post is about the same problem, you should maybe only post it once :wink:
What shoud i do for X,Y float? - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums