How can I package a plugin excluding its functional tests

I have been attempting to build a plugin that contains functional tests with the shipping configuration. When including the “FunctionalTesting” module in the .Build.cs file, the following error is prompted on build:

Missing precompiled manifest for ‘EditorStyle’. This module was most likely not flagged for being included in a precompiled build.

How can I exclude my functional tests from development and shipping builds? I do not want the classes to be exported in the DLL. I’ve tried to place the classes inside WITH_EDITOR condition blocks, but the all the symbols are still exported (it executes the construction code upon opening a project with the shipped plugin).

Also, I cannot understand how the module FunctionalTesting is related to EditorStyle. Is there some documentation where I could possibly check the dependencies between the unreal engine’s modules (and check which can be included in precompiled builds)?

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