I want stream the game window, via TrinusVR to a smartphone. TrinusVR translate the phone motion into pitch and yaw, so I don’t want to package with HMD preset, 'cos I can’t control the pitch with this plugin. If I enable -simulatestereo, I can make what I want in a Standalone preview, but I don’t know how to package like that! Sorry for my bad english. I’m new with UE. The project it is for ArchViz. Thx
anyone? Please? What I want its a SBS (3D / stereo) output…
Hello arkinetics,
If you would like to emulate stereo in a packaged game (as done in stand alone) You will need to add the argument “-emulatestereo” to the end of the target. I have provided steps below to help explain further. I hope that this information helps.
- Package game
- Right click the executable > Create new shortcut
- Right click short cut > properties
- Add -emulatestereo to the end of the target (example image provided below)
- Use shortcut to open game
Make it a great day
That’s! thank you very much! I put the “-emulatestereo” inside the quotes. Another question, please. The game appears to be stretched vertically when goes in stereo mode. How can I correct that? Maybe something with the aspect ratio?
For tracking purposes, I will need you to create a new thread. Once you have create a new thread, I would suggest pasting a link to that thread in a reply here so that others can follow up.