Hello all, this is my first question on answerhub, so I hope I do it good. I have got ue4 (4.13) on a laptop (Asus X556UB), and because all drivers that came with the machine are for win 10 only , I can’t install win 7 wich was better at ram consumption. The problem is win10 (with all the asus drivers installed) usually start with 1,4 gb alocated for the system programs and hardware drivers. I just want to low that at 1 gb or even below if its possible. Also, I want to limit the CPU max frequency (max is 3.1 , but I don’t want it to overheat), and also the GPU’s max frequency, laptops are not made for such high usage, but I don’t think that 1-2 hours a day will affect it that much.This may look like some usual question that doesn’t have its place here, but I want the engine to work good on my laptop, and I don’t know what I can cut off and how much.I want some advices at least for the cpu/gpu frequency limitation as I can’t let the laptop to heat so much but I also need a decent 20~30 fps (is a good thing if I disable realtime rendering ?). I must say that the engine works great , it takes a time to load , but its not a problem, (that is with the preinstalled templates , I don’t know what will happen when I will load larger maps on it).
i7 6500U 2,5 - 3.1 ghz
4gb ddr3
geforce 940m (2gb, 1 - 1,1 ghz)